Are You Too Young For a Hair Transplant?

The first signs of male pattern hair loss can often appear in the late teens and early 20s. If you are a relatively young man who is noticing the first signs of hair loss, it can be highly distressing.
You may be wondering: What age is too young to get a hair transplant? At what age should you start using medication like Rogaine®?
There are some clinics that are out to simply “sell” hair restoration and will perform hair transplants on patients in their early 20s—which can have unfortunate consequences in the future.
A definitive age for someone to get a hair transplant cannot be given because every situation is unique. Undergoing a transplant in your 20s or 30s may be a sound treatment option in some—but not all—cases.
Why is age a factor in getting a hair transplant?
The bald truth is if you are experiencing hair loss in your 20s, you are likely to have several decades of hair loss in your future. Additionally, there’s a finite supply of donor grafts that can be harvested from the back of the head. These factors can lead to problems down the road.
For example, when hair is transplanted from the back of the head to restore hair to the temples. The results may look fine for several years until your temple recession accelerates—a predictable trajectory of male pattern baldness, according to the pattern types and progressions defined by the Norwood scale (there’s a reason they call it pattern baldness). Then, you end up with unnatural tufts and random patches of hairs insufficiently distributed in a bald area.
Also, given there’s a limited donor supply, you risk using up the majority of your viable donor grafts with multiple sessions by the time you reach, say, age 35.
Bottom line
It’s advisable to seek a reputable hair restoration doctor who has the expertise to make the right, age-appropriate hair transplant decisions.
Keep in mind, it is possible to achieve great results without a hair transplant through the use of medications or alternative therapies.
Your age, your unique hair loss situation (your individual level of hair loss and its pattern) and your family history are critical factors that must be taken into account to determine if a hair transplant is in your best interest at your current age. If so, it’s vital that the physician is highly experienced in designing the ideal hairline for you age and face, while taking into account considerations related to the likelihood of future hair loss.
If you suffer from hair loss—no matter your age—contact our office today. We’ll help you develop a personalized treatment plan that’s right for you and your unique situation.