Can Women Benefit from a Hair Transplant?

Technically, yes—but it’s complicated. There are some key differences between male and female hair loss, which can determine whether hair transplant surgery is a viable treatment option. Both men and women can suffer from androgenetic alopecia or hereditary pattern baldness—the most common type of hair loss. Generally, female pattern baldness differs from male pattern baldness […]
Help For A Bad Past Transplant: Corrective Hair Restoration

If you’ve previously had a hair transplant surgery that yielded less than natural-looking results or other problems, you aren’t alone. We see a number of patients who’ve suffered a negative hair transplant experience in the past and who are seeking help they can trust. Corrective hair restoration, or revision hair transplant surgery, is a procedure […]
Are Hair Transplants an Option for People with Curly Hair?

Yes! It’s possible to get a hair transplant if you have curly hair. Hair transplant surgeries can be performed on any type of hair. Hair texture, however, can make a difference when it comes to your personal treatment plan. There are many variables that factor into an individual’s hair restoration path and that play a […]
How Advanced is Your Hair Loss?

Feel like you might be starting to display signs of hair loss? Learn to recognize the stages of male pattern balding with the Norwood Scale. This guide will help you identify different types of balding patterns and measure the severity of your hair loss. The Norwood Scale is a commonly used visual tool that displays […]
Hair Loss Myth or Fact? Here’s The Bald Truth

There are over 56 million Americans suffering from hair loss, yet there are still many misconceptions and plenty of misinformation out there. Understanding the truth about hair loss, its causes and real treatment possibilities, empowers you. The more knowledge you have, the more successful you are likely to be in fighting hair loss and in […]
Can You Prevent Hair Loss?

Is it possible to prevent hair loss? Short answer: it depends. The cause of your hair loss is a significant factor and will largely determine the most effective steps you can take. By far, the most common type of hair loss is genetic, often referred to as male-pattern baldness or female-pattern baldness. While this hereditary […]
Are You Ready for a Hair Transplant?

Searching for the best hair restoration solution can feel like a daunting process. Electing to undergo a hair transplant procedure can be a major decision. It’s also a treatment option that could help you achieve the best, most successful results—enabling you to restore your real hair. So how do you know if it’s time to […]
Advantages of FUE: What to Know When Choosing a Hair Transplant Technique

Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) is an approach to hair transplant surgery that can offer patients significant benefits over the traditional “strip method” techniques used in Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) procedures. Both types of hair transplant surgeries entail harvesting healthy hair follicles from a donor area and transplanting them to the thinning or balding areas of […]
3 Key Things to Know About Platelet Rich Plasma Hair Restorations

A PRP hair restoration is an advanced hair restoration technique that combines a hair transplant procedure with platelet rich plasma, or PRP, therapy. In PRP therapy, your own blood is drawn, put in a centrifuge to concentrate the natural healing properties and growth factors it contains, and then re-administered to the scalp, where it stimulates […]
Women & Hair Loss: 3 Common Causes, Real Solutions

Men aren’t the only ones affected by hair loss. Millions of women also suffer from hair loss or thinning hair. The good news is there are treatment options available for women, too. The sooner you address the problem, the better. There are a variety of reasons hair loss occurs in women, and determining the cause […]